Monday 5 October 2009


Finally the job fairy has touched me with her dirty great wand and I have a job.

Thursday 6 August 2009

new Jay-Z albumn cover art



Dino Rock

Last night I went to the opening of Dinosaurs Live, an incredible show with live size anamatronic dinosaurs. The show is loosely based around a guy with floppy long hair who is a 'paleantologist' who is well into bones [insert joke here] and is our tour guide back in time..... Aside from the hammy narrator and booming voice overs "billions of years ago...yadda yadda". The show is a visual feast with humungous dinos that scared the living ginger out of me.

Friday 22 May 2009

Its is the banc holiday

So tonight I will be cooking Mexican for Dim Sum, Jesus Dvae, and Franjipan

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Fran 4 Keef

Why is Keifer Sutherland phit? He are three reasons:

Stand by me: 1950’s gang boys made in the 80’s are phit

Flatliners: Experimenting with death in the 80’s is phit

The Lost Boys: Badass 80’s vampires are phit.

this is funny and funny is phit:

There is a dog in this picture…he likes dogs…that is phit

shiny hair band

cocaine and kanye

kanye trying it on with keri hilson, and high? cocaine's a hell of a drug


shout out to Francesca Henry-Pierre who turns 16 and three quarters today. nuff respeck... especially for her:

Monday 23 March 2009


worryingly close to home (re the about us page) + they use the word mumblecore.

Wooly x

Friday 13 March 2009

Thursday 12 March 2009

Na Na with a white board

Fran, Steph andf I at the Macbeth

photo from :

Friday 27 February 2009

Simon Mitchells Wounds

check out the bruisage on the lovely simon, the great nana threw himself at a car in North London and is not held together by staples. Like so:

hopefully they will remove the staples with this very chic, so gothic so now staple remover:

charidee clothes

bought 1 white tennis scirt with poppers down the front and forest green piping <3 2x leather belts 2 squid <3

fat bitch subway meal 6 squid

pay day justifies it all

Tuesday 24 February 2009

my baby shot me down

I wish the Nokia 5800 had an RPG in built that fired when near media trash.... armageddon bitches, muah x

do like Ga Gas hair n glasses tho. Gashion

Pre-teens wiv a white board

went to this with FrankenSteph, we were the oldest people in the building by at least 8 years. Sixth Formers arent allowed to be cool, I mean I was a gonk at school and chubby. Damn these stylish hipsters...

Pharrell Williams NYLON Shoot


Yeezy and some cool blonde chick

i want to do it wiv them both

1. Kanyes hair looks phit

2. her glasses are Rad

3. that dude can take photos of whatever goes down